How To Make Your Mattress Last Longer

How To Make Your Mattress Last Longer

How To Make Your Mattress Last Longer

A new mattress can be a costly investment so, naturally, you want to make your new purchase last as long as possible. Luckily, we’re here to help with some tips that will extend your mattress’ lifespan and maintain its quality of comfort. As well as improving your mattress we hope the tips below will help you gain an even better night’s sleep supported with extra comfort and peace of mind.

Please note it is recommended you don’t sleep on the same mattress for any more than 8 years, as its quality and comfort will have declined significantly, possibly damaging your sleep and well-being.

Choose the right mattress

Before we start, it’s always important that you choose the right mattress for you, considering factors such as your sleep position, body shape and any medical conditions that may affect your sleep. It’s also important to choose a mattress with the right level of firmness and support to ensure that it provides the comfort and support you need. Click here to look at all our mattress reviews.

1. Use a mattress protector

Using a mattress protector is an excellent way to protect your investment and ensure that your mattress lasts for as long as possible. Mattress protectors are designed to protect your mattress from spills, stains, and dust mites, keeping it clean and hygienic for longer. They also provide an extra layer of comfort, helping to extend the life of your mattress and keep it in top condition. See recommended Mattress Toppers here.

2. Rotate your mattress regularly

Rotating your mattress regularly is an essential part of maintaining its condition and ensuring that it lasts for as long as possible. Doing so helps to distribute wear evenly, reducing the formation of body impressions and sagging. This also helps to ensure that your mattress remains comfortable and supportive, providing the best possible sleep.

3. Use a supportive bed base

A supportive bed base is crucial in getting the most out of your mattress. A solid, sturdy bed base with strong legs/feet is vital to support the weight of your mattress and help extend its life by preventing sagging and wear. This then also helps to ensure that your mattress remains comfortable and supportive, providing a good night’s sleep

5. Keep your mattress clean

Keeping your mattress clean is essential in getting the most out of it. Regularly vacuuming your mattress and using an upholstery cleaner to remove spills and stains can help keep it fresh and hygienic. It’s also important to air your mattress regularly, as this can help to remove any moisture and prevent the growth of mould or mildew.

6. Invest in a comfortable pillow

A comfortable pillow is essential in getting the most out of your mattress. A good pillow should support your neck and head, reducing the risk of neck and back pain. A good pillow will give you the support you need and make sure less pressure is being put on your mattress. Consider factors such as your sleep position, body type, and any medical conditions when choosing a pillow, and obviously make sure that it is comfortable.

To conclude, by choosing the right mattress, using a mattress protector, rotating your mattress regularly, using a supportive bed base, keeping your mattress clean and investing in a comfortable pillow, you can enjoy the benefits of your mattress for longer. And remember, a good night’s sleep is crucial to your overall health and well-being.